eCourse Growth Strategies
Do You Use Email Marketing To Promote Your Online Course?

In today’s poll we wanted to ask our blog readers if they use email marketing to promote their online courses. In a recent blog posts we published a case study that showed that for one particular client on our roster that their average revenue per newsletter subscriber was over 300% more valuable than a “regular” visitor on their site (i.e. a visitor referred through organic search, advertisements, social networks etc).
The case study showed that the revenue per visitor metric jumped from $1.20 (regular visitor) to $4.99 (newsletter subscriber). We see results like this for many of our clients. We have yet to see a case where email marketing has had a negative impact on sales or lowers conversion rates.
That being said, we also know that many people selling courses online are so overwhelmed with many other facets of their eCourse company that they either forget to implement an email marketing campaign, or they just haven’t had the time to do it yet.
So today we wanted to ask you a simple yes or no question. If you’re selling courses online are you currently using an email marketing campaign to help you sell your courses?