eCourse Growth Strategies, Polls
What Is The Hardest Part About Running Your Online Course?
Maybe your current student interactions are taking you away from growing your course? Maybe you spend too much time growing your course and not enough time listening to your current students about ways you can enhance their educational experience? Maybe you’re a great online teacher, but terrible at the technical stuff that goes along with running an online course.
Either way, we’d like to know what areas you find to be the most difficult when it comes to running your online course.
We will use the answers of this poll to help us shape upcoming blog content. If you find creating course content difficult, then we’ll publish more blog content to help you with that element of your eCourse business. If you find it difficult to market your online course then we’ll publish more eCourse marketing information. Do you find it hard creating an LMS for your online course? Well… You get the point.
Thank you for participating in our most recent poll!